on proposal with recommendations: examples, illustrations   18
on proposal without recommendation: conditions, illustrations   19
reproduced in journal   18 (4)
shown on 2nd reading calendar   29 (1)(c)
time limit for   17m
veto by governor, report on   44
rereferral of proposal to   13 (1)(am), 42 (3)(c), 45
precedence of motion for   65 (2)(d), (e)
schedule of activities, see also Joint Rule 75   14 (2)
chief clerk supervises preparation   5 (1)(b)
committee chairperson files lists of public hearings with chief clerk
on or before Monday noon of each week   14 (2)
special, extended, or extraordinary session proposals
need not be shown in   93 (3)
shall not meet during daily sessions, exceptions   12
speaker is nonvoting member of every committee   9 (8)
special committees   10
standing committees listed   9
subcommittee, chairperson of committee may appoint   11 (2)
temporary special committees   10 (2), (3)
title, business relevant to, may hold hearings on   14 (1)
veto: reference to committee, report   44
may be held open until committee session adjourns   11 (5)(a)
must be taken in the presence of the committee; exception   11 (3m), (4)
withdrawing a proposal from   15, 42 (3)(c)
Committee of conference, see also Joint Rule 3
assembly approval of conference report, not subject to motion for
reconsideration, see also Joint Rule 3 (1)(b)   73 (1)(b)
definition of "conference committee”   95 (17)
may meet during daily session   12
obtaining leave, general provision   12
assembly approval not subject to reconsideration,
see also Joint Rule 3 (1)(b)   73 (1)(b)
not amendable, see also Joint Rule 3 (3)   52 (4)
not divisible   80 (4)
question, how stated   75 (1)(d)
referral to standing committee not proper   45 (6)
transmission   50 (2)
Committee of the whole:
definition of "committee of the whole”   95 (15)
discussions within   8 (3)
motion to end debate not in order   8 (2)
nonmembers may be invited to speak   8 (5)
not to recess or postpone   8 (7)
procedures summarized   8
reports its action to assembly   8 (6)
roll call votes not in order except on question of arising   8 (1)
Committee on [Subject], see rule 9 and [Subject] committee on
Communications addressed to assembly:
delivered to chief clerk   34, 37 (2)
must state communicating person, member introducing, subject matter   37 (2)
reproduction in journal may be ordered   37 (2)
veto message, action on   44
Concurrence (definition)   95 (16)
Concurrence, how question is stated   75 (1)(b)
Conduct in the chamber:
eating, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (4)
members not to cross or leave floor while presiding officer is speaking   26 (2)
microphones, possession and use   26 (7)
mobile radio service devices   26 (6)
newspaper reading, not permitted during session on floor or in galleries   26 (3)
presiding officer to maintain order, decorum, and quiet   3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
sergeant at arms carries out instructions concerning any
disturbance in chamber   6 (1)(g)
smoking, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (5)
Conduct, special committee on ethics and standards of   21, 43 (3)
Confirmation of lieutenant governor   51m
Conference committee, see Committee of conference
Congress, memorializing prohibited   32 (1)(a), 39 (1), 41 (1)
Constitution, United States, procedure on ratifying amendment to   41 (2)
Constitution, Wisconsin, procedure on joint resolution proposing change:
question on 3rd reading   75 (1)(b)
receives 3 readings before adoption   41 (2)
second consideration, what may be amended, see Joint Rule 57 (2)
Consumer protection, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(dm)
Contested seat:
contestants granted privilege of floor until contest settled   25 (5)
definition of "contested seat”   95 (18)
Continuity of assembly rules   92
Convening of daily session: 9 a.m. except first day of week   28
Copies of proposals to be available at least 24 hours before consideration   35 (1)
Copies of proposals to be public at least 24 hours before committee vote   17d
Copying for assembly   38
Corrections and the courts, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1) (em)
Corrective amendment offered by committee on assembly organization:
proposal reverts temporarily to engrossing stage   23 (2)
Courts, committee on corrections and (standing committee)   9 (1)(em)
Criminal justice, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(f)
Current membership (definition)   95 (20)
majority of, necessary quorum to transact business,
Joint Rules 11 and 12 for exceptions   30 (2)
majority of, required to change assembly rules (roll call required)   89
Dane County fund-raising events   98